All good things must come to an end. On December 31, 2022, one of the best tax deductions ever for businesses will end: 100 percent bonus depreciation. Since late 2017, businesses have used bonus depreciation to deduct 100 percent of the cost of most types of property...
Are you thinking of getting married or divorced? If yes, consider December 31, 2022, in your tax planning. Here’s another planning question: Do you give money to family or friends (other than your children, who are subject to the kiddie tax)? If so, you need to...
Cost segregation breaks your real property into its components, some of which you can depreciate much faster than the typical 27.5 years for a residential rental or 39 years for nonresidential real estate. When you buy real property, you typically break it into two...
You don’t often get the opportunity to even consider making a tax-saving double play. But your personal residence combined with a desire for a rental property can provide just such an opportunity. This tax-saving strategy is to combine the tax advantage of the...
With the increased standard deduction this past year ($12,400 single, $24,800 married filing jointly, $18,650 head of household), some smaller charities began to see a decrease in donations.This year might be worse.Yes, I hate to be the one to say these things, but...
A week past the election, and still plenty of disagreement about the results.That means this is another week where you have the opportunity for the other chumps out there to get massively distracted by the political war games … while you go about quietly...