When you travel to a business location where you spend the night, you are in travel status. But will the tax rules make this a business or personal night? The rules also affect your costs during the day. When you have an overnight business travel day, you generally...
You’ll find much beauty and little beast in using a single-member LLC for your real estate ownership. Should you use a single-member LLC as a real estate ownership vehicle? That might be a very good idea. Under the so-called check-the-box regulations put out years ago...
Do you have a beach or mountain home that you rent out? If the average period of rental is less than 30 days, you likely have a choice—either claim the income and expenses on Schedule C, or claim the income and expenses on Schedule E. When Is Schedule C a Good Choice?...
The simple maneuver of converting your personal residence to a rental property brings with it many tax rules, mostly good when you know how they work. The first question that arises when you convert a personal residence into a rental is how to determine the property’s...
With the start of a new tax year, you’re probably looking for new tax savings opportunities. As you probably know, establishing a home office for your Schedule C or corporate business creates valuable tax deductions. But it’s not available only for your...
You can pay your child to work in your business and get paid for paying your child. The basic mechanics of this are (a) you deduct the wages and (b) your child pays zero or very little in income taxes. The three points below elaborate on this: The child (a single...